Growth Marketing Strategy
Growth Strategy for Conscious Business Consultancy - 2.5X Leads

Time was ticking & enrollments were down. We defined a growth strategy that helped our client test new channels and invest in the successful ones. Ultimately we helped a values-oriented business consultancy authentically market their brand.


Conscious Business Consultancy


CRM Implementation

Paid Ads

Channel Testing

Growth Marketing

Marketing Creative

Marketing Creative

Copy Writing

Landing Page Design

Product Marketing



The Problem

This Business Consultancy runs a successful, reputable, bi-annual online MBA program.  The team was experiencing a drop-off in course signups. They had only ever marketed through social media and word of mouth to their network.  They came to us for growth marketing support focused on revenue growth in order to fill vacant seats for the upcoming fall cohort. In addition, they had long-term goals of selling and building infrastructure for their nascent online course catalog.

The Process

We engaged in a two-phase approach that gave them the ability to "test out" our services and experience the value of our expertise in action. This lowered their up-front investment.

Phase 1 - First, we conducted in-depth discovery with their team in order to create a growth marketing roadmap for a 1-6 months horizon. We presented the growth strategy that included a tactical marketing plan to the team for discussion/input. We made sure the growth plan fit their monthly budget and near-term organizational goals while also designing for long-term value and scale.

Phase 2 - We signed a new SOW that included  3 months of executing my proposed growth plan. During that time:

  • Onboarded a new marketing automation tool (Hubspot)
  • Conducted market research to re-position & establish an embodied brand voice
  • Lead the re-design of the brand look-and-feel for the MBA landing page
  • Implemented new landing page flows & automation in Hubspot CMS
  • Set up tracking best practices and a measurable lead funnel
  • Built reporting infrastructure for baseline metrics and analytics
  • Launched 5 campaign experiments to find ROI-positive channels to invest in
  • Launched Ecosia Paid ads with a small test budget
  • Launched Linkedin Paid ads with a small test budget
  • Launched an "Alumni Referral Program" via email
  • Launched a partnership co-promotion campaign via email
  • Refreshed existing content: Newsletter & Podcast & Social posts

And, along the way, we taught the team how to think and make decisions like a strategic marketer (teach a wo/man to fish - as the saying goes).

The End Result

Overall they recouped 3X their investment.

To date, beyond the value of establishing a repeatable marketing system, tech-stack, and framework from which all future marketing efforts can scale. We are happy to report some stellar initial results

  • Grew leads (MQLs) from 2.5X from baseline
  • 3+ net new partnerships with aligned organizations
  • 300% engagement ROI - new course sales attributed to our campaigns

Latest Works

Web Design

Build a unique Website with Sapiens Webflow Template

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Build a unique Website with Sapiens Webflow Template

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Case Studies